No Cookies in the library!!!!
But what can I have with my coffee?
I like cookie monster.
And I cannot believe we are allowed, let alone encouraged, to look at You Tube.
You tube is a great resource and time waster. There is so much junk with really clever and interesting things hidden away.
I think I will need more time to search and play with You Tube.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Monday, October 29, 2007
Health Promotion Resouces

When I toured the Werribee Library, my head was turned by some wacky OH&S posters. They are produced by HPR Resources and can be found at
The posters I liked are called "Posters from left field".
I would love some in my library!!
Have a look!!
#19 Discovering Web 2.0 tools
After reading the blog "books and birds " I have had a play with .
At first I did not get it. I sent myself an email full of corrections and deletions. When I opened the email it printed out as it typed, ie. letter by letter with back spacing and deletions. I could what what I typed, how I typed it. It was a bit of fun. I don't think I will write and send important documents that way.
A much more important site is from the WEB 2.0 AWARDS page.
You type in what bottles of alcohol you have hidden in the back cupboard of the library and it will tell you what drinks you can make.
sun burn has 3 ingredients
2 bottle of vodka 1/2 gallon of cranberry juice 1/2 gallon of grapefruit juice.
That seems much more liquid than we have at this workplace but I suppose it would last us all day!!! Ha ha!
Google maps is a good site.
Most realestate sites seem to use this to show you where properties are.
Housing maps is only in American so is no good for anyone else.
Peer trainer looked good.
It is a fitness site where you could record your goals and how you acheived them. As it says on the site your friends get bored listening to how many reps you did and what you best time was for a distance. People could help support you and keep you motived BUT you could lie and really be a couch potato.
I liked List Dump. There were lists for everything.
At first I did not get it. I sent myself an email full of corrections and deletions. When I opened the email it printed out as it typed, ie. letter by letter with back spacing and deletions. I could what what I typed, how I typed it. It was a bit of fun. I don't think I will write and send important documents that way.
A much more important site is from the WEB 2.0 AWARDS page.
You type in what bottles of alcohol you have hidden in the back cupboard of the library and it will tell you what drinks you can make.
sun burn has 3 ingredients
2 bottle of vodka 1/2 gallon of cranberry juice 1/2 gallon of grapefruit juice.
That seems much more liquid than we have at this workplace but I suppose it would last us all day!!! Ha ha!
Google maps is a good site.
Most realestate sites seem to use this to show you where properties are.
Housing maps is only in American so is no good for anyone else.
Peer trainer looked good.
It is a fitness site where you could record your goals and how you acheived them. As it says on the site your friends get bored listening to how many reps you did and what you best time was for a distance. People could help support you and keep you motived BUT you could lie and really be a couch potato.
I liked List Dump. There were lists for everything.
- Best Food Websites
- Top 10 Tips for Salary Negotiations
- Complete List of Online Video Sites
- Anti-Google Sites
- best eXperImeNtal online short film/vids '06
- Cute Cat Videos
- Cutest Dogs
- The Best Of Animated Videos
There is just so much.
You had better look for yourselves.
A great resource for libraries, techno nerds, the unemployed, retirees, fact everybody!!!
I really like Zoho!!!
At my library, we have internet terminals with no programs loaded on them. It is almost a certainty that all our computers will be busy and someone who has an internet only terminal will decide that they need to have access to a program such as word or powerpoint. Zoho is the answer.
At my library, we have internet terminals with no programs loaded on them. It is almost a certainty that all our computers will be busy and someone who has an internet only terminal will decide that they need to have access to a program such as word or powerpoint. Zoho is the answer.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
A notice at Werribee Library
#18 Zoho Writer

Aardvarkblue has a Zoho Writer account!!!
Zoho Writer is like a work processing program.
I think I should have written my ALIA Library Tech Report on it. It would have been easier to send it out to "my partners in crime".
I can relate to this cartoon.
Too many "what ifs". And trouble makers.
The people that "control" Wikipedia have a full time job for life.
I shall experiment further and report back.
#17 Sandbox Wiki
I have added my blog to the favorite blogs in the Sandbox Wiki in the West Gippsland Regional Library Section. And I was not the first.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
So what happened at the ALIA Library Tech Conference?
#16 So what's in a Wiki?
Anything you want!!!
Wow! Wiki's look so cool.
It seems to me like that game, "Chinese Whispers", or a grade 5 group writing exercise where everyone adds a paragraph. You can start off with something and end up with something totally different. The lack of control you can have is frightening but exciting too.
Maybe the answer to "What's in a Wiki?" is ....anything you want...PLUS anything someone else wants to add.
In a library a Wiki could be used for Book Reviews, coming attractions, community information, introducing new staff members and voluteers, discussion forums, instructional information ie. how to use the catalogue, FAQs.
Lots of applications!!!
The only limit is your imagination.
Wow! Wiki's look so cool.
It seems to me like that game, "Chinese Whispers", or a grade 5 group writing exercise where everyone adds a paragraph. You can start off with something and end up with something totally different. The lack of control you can have is frightening but exciting too.
Maybe the answer to "What's in a Wiki?" is ....anything you want...PLUS anything someone else wants to add.
In a library a Wiki could be used for Book Reviews, coming attractions, community information, introducing new staff members and voluteers, discussion forums, instructional information ie. how to use the catalogue, FAQs.
Lots of applications!!!
The only limit is your imagination.
Monday, October 22, 2007
#15 Web 2.0, Library 2.0
I have been reading the suggested website regarding Web 2.o, Library 2.0. Rick Anderson, in his article "Away from the “icebergs”" talks about the “just in case” collection in libraries which is a lot of a collection of printed books kept on the shelves "just in case" someone may want to read them. If everything was digitised it would be available but not take up so much space.
Dr. Wendy Schultz, in "To a temporary place in time..." asks, "What are libraries? Libraries are not just collections of documents and books, they are conversations, they are convocations of people, ideas, and artifacts in dynamic exchange. Libraries are not merely in communities, they are communities".
She talks about the Library being a commodity, a product, a service, and an experience.
Michael Stephens, in "Into a new world of librarianship" talks about the skills a librarian needs for this brave new world. We need to embrace web 2.0 and it's associated technology. Seek out information and use it!
Everything is moving faster and faster! All these Web 2.0 skills are terrific and it is great to have time to explore and play with new technology and try to keep up with the kids. I think I am doing OK in my little world with books and CDs and DVDs but I think the Library 2.0 is about getting out of your comfort zone while sitting at home or at work and finding out what is out there and if you want to be part of it.
I look at other blogs and think that I will need to go back over some of the things in this program because some participants have done fantastic blogs and I think "How did they do that?". And I know that I need to go back and look at thing in more depth. Somethings just haven't clicked with me or I have just glanced at it and raced ahead ...again.
Dr. Wendy Schultz, in "To a temporary place in time..." asks, "What are libraries? Libraries are not just collections of documents and books, they are conversations, they are convocations of people, ideas, and artifacts in dynamic exchange. Libraries are not merely in communities, they are communities".
She talks about the Library being a commodity, a product, a service, and an experience.
Michael Stephens, in "Into a new world of librarianship" talks about the skills a librarian needs for this brave new world. We need to embrace web 2.0 and it's associated technology. Seek out information and use it!
Everything is moving faster and faster! All these Web 2.0 skills are terrific and it is great to have time to explore and play with new technology and try to keep up with the kids. I think I am doing OK in my little world with books and CDs and DVDs but I think the Library 2.0 is about getting out of your comfort zone while sitting at home or at work and finding out what is out there and if you want to be part of it.
I look at other blogs and think that I will need to go back over some of the things in this program because some participants have done fantastic blogs and I think "How did they do that?". And I know that I need to go back and look at thing in more depth. Somethings just haven't clicked with me or I have just glanced at it and raced ahead ...again.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
# 14 Technorati
I have been to Technorati and asked the question about "Learning 2.0"
6,886 results for in posts.
663 posts tagged Learning 2.0
698 blogs about Learning 2.0...I thought there would be more!!!
There are even Videos about Learning 2.0
In posts there are 933 results for aardvark.
153 blogs about aardvark.
I went to the most popular blog
"Everything in the known universe about Boing Boing"
It had topics such as;Cereal Killers -- forthcoming book of spooky funny cereal box art
Woman jailed for 50 days for possessing cat urine# 13
I have had a play with del ico us. And after having a huge amount of problems getting registered it looks OK.
My problems began when my password would not be accepted because it was too similar to my email address and/or my user name. My problem with that was they were not alike in my opinion. The numbers were different. The words were different.
But you cannot argue with a computer and I changed everything to something that I will probably not remember tomorrow.
The idea is great. To be able to have your favorite/ bookmarked sites follow you or be there at what ever computer you are using is fantastic.
How many times have I been on the cki terminal when I have a query and need to get on the SLV or NLA site or the Inverloch Kongwak Football/Netball Club site and discover that the site is a favorite on the cko terminal? You may be suprised how many times I am asked about IK football results or who are we playing next or where are we playing.
I especially liked the site
Good hints.
I have had a play with del ico us. And after having a huge amount of problems getting registered it looks OK.
My problems began when my password would not be accepted because it was too similar to my email address and/or my user name. My problem with that was they were not alike in my opinion. The numbers were different. The words were different.
But you cannot argue with a computer and I changed everything to something that I will probably not remember tomorrow.
The idea is great. To be able to have your favorite/ bookmarked sites follow you or be there at what ever computer you are using is fantastic.
How many times have I been on the cki terminal when I have a query and need to get on the SLV or NLA site or the Inverloch Kongwak Football/Netball Club site and discover that the site is a favorite on the cko terminal? You may be suprised how many times I am asked about IK football results or who are we playing next or where are we playing.
I especially liked the site
Good hints.
Monday, October 15, 2007
ALIA 2007
Last week I was at the ALIA Library Tech Conference in Melbourne so no time for blogging.
I am back at work today but my brain has not caught up with my body. I feel very vague and suffering from conference lag.
Put me in a room for 3 days without windows and I have no idea what time of the day or even what day it is.
It was a good conference but a hint will be don't book a conference in a venue that is being renovated. The noise and the floor shaking made me loose concentration (and bladder control) anumber of times during the conference.
I am back at work today but my brain has not caught up with my body. I feel very vague and suffering from conference lag.
Put me in a room for 3 days without windows and I have no idea what time of the day or even what day it is.
It was a good conference but a hint will be don't book a conference in a venue that is being renovated. The noise and the floor shaking made me loose concentration (and bladder control) anumber of times during the conference.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
#12 Rollyo 2.0
Quick quotes search from rollyo. Maybe handy to have.
Quick quotes search from rollyo. Maybe handy to have.
#11 Library thing part 2
I have opened an account with "Library Thing" and added some book titles that I have enjoyed. This is another site where you can truely "lose yourself".
There is just so much information and things to look at and play with. Looking at what other people enjoy reading, suggestions on what you might like to read and what you wont enjoy (unsuggestions).
There is just so much information and things to look at and play with. Looking at what other people enjoy reading, suggestions on what you might like to read and what you wont enjoy (unsuggestions).
Monday, October 1, 2007
# 10 Generators
I visited Letter James and graffittied a wall.
At the Dylan message generator. It is lots of fun making Dylan hold up silly words.
I think I could spend days playing with these Generator sites.
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