So....you get a Yahoo account. Get a flickr account. Take photos. Publish them on flickr. People look at them. People can comment on the photos. If they have a flickr account.
That's nice. That's new. That's different.
Yes, there are some really great photos on flickr.
Search "Inverloch" and 200 beauties come up.
Search "Librarian" and some are nice, some are weird.
I am unable to use any of the photos in this blog...
which is disappointing but there must be copyright issues.
Any hints or comments about this?
"Not only does Flickr make you smell better, it also makes you more attractive!"
Well that's what the blurb says.
Hi aardvark
I found the following article that discusses using someone else's Flickr photos on your blog. It's to do with permissions.
Cheers, webgurl
Eastern Regional Libraries
There's an advanced search on Flickr where you can find photos under what they call a Creative Commons Licence. There are various levels of these, an example is non-commercial attributable. i.e. include the photographers name when you post it to your blog etc.
Glenelg Libraries
Hi Aardvark, I'm so impressed with your blog. Can you help me with something? I've signed up with Flickr and Yahoo and have downloaded a photo to Flickr, how do I then get it onto my blog? I've tried to add a photo from web address of Flickr but it comes back as wrong url.Can you help? Thanks
p.s check out my blog, I've added a music video!!!!
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