Wednesday, February 13, 2008

to be or not to be?

There is a temporary position coming up within my organisation. It is about 30 minutes from home. It is an acting manager position. It is for 6 months. It is 59 hours a fortnight.
I currently work 40 hours a fortnight. I walk to work. I have 2 weekdays off each week.
I dont think I will be paid more per hour for the temp position and I will be out of pocket for petrol to travel. But I will have Fridays off.
I am studying Library and Info studies off campus so use my days off to study, for assignments, cycling and to blog!!
Being a manager for 6 months will be a great experience but do I really want to work longer hours and the travel will get expensive and could be boring.
I do like a challenge.
I dont know...6 months is a long time.
I shall apply and see what happens.
If I get an interview I can discuss my thoughts with the panel, who will roll their eyes and ask what I am doing there.
I would like to do it. Yes I would.
6 months experience as a manager is probably worth petrol money and a bit of inconvenience.
Yes. Pick me.
Thanks for the discussion.
Does anyone out there have an opinion?

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Ride on!

I know this is getting boring but I did another 100 kms this week.
I had a 10 minute head start from the Inverloch crew on the 41km trek and they did not catch me until the coast road from Cape. I stayed with them for a while too. I stayed with them past the blue house where they blew me away a couple of weeks ago. I even stayed with them up the sharp bend hill (which they race up) But they rolled down the hill close to Eagles Nest faster than me and I could not catch them after that. I was pretty tired after sticking with them for that long. So I had a nice leisurely ride back into town.
They are a really nice bunch of people. Very supportive and encouraging. They always say "hello" as they ride past me and chat if I stop for coffee with them afterwards.
I used to feel too embarrassed to have coffee with them because I am not in their league but they really are very nice people and good to be with.
I received the latest Bike Victoria magazine this week. It discusses what type of bike is best for commuting. They said that a flat barred road bike is one of the best. Like mine!!!
I rode to Wonny twice on Tuesday. First because I thought the Women on Wheels group (WOW) where meeting for a ride but I waited 20 minutes and no one else showed so I rode home. Then at 2pm I had a work meeting so I rode in again. I was early enough to change into something less lycra and more suitable for a meeting. Then 3 hours later I rode home.
I have been told that I will be paid travel for cycling to work things like this away from my branch. I have been told the rate is 9 cents a km so I will wait and see what sort of green company I work for.
I will let you know.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Another 100 kms!!

Last week I rode another 100 kms.
I tried the 41kms with the fast Inverloch crew and they were too fast for me again/still.
I started 10 minutes before them and they caught me at the 27km mark before Cape. I tried sticking with them but could only stay with them for 2 or 3 kms.
One guy said that I needed a good road bike to keep up. I love my bike!
But I completed 41kms in 90 minutes so that was good.
Having an Australia Day long weekend meant that I rode again on Monday and by the end of Wednesday had done 100kms.
I visited my mum on Tuesday in Melbourne. It was her birthday. She turned 79!
I took her out for lunch, we looked at some shops I drove her to my brother's house where they were preparing a celebration meal for her for dinner. Then I drove home.
I don't get to see my family very much. It is a two hour drive each way. But it was good to visit last week.
I can't wait for "EastLink" to open then I wont have to travel down Springvale Road. It is very busy even at non peak times.