Friday, November 14, 2008

Slog to Sale 2

Mark entered and completed the Slog to Sale. It is 160km which is 100 miles. Pakenham to Sale. He got a flat tyre but arrived about 5 hours after he started.
We stayed over night in a motel in Sale. A very central motel on the highway. Our room was to the rear of the block and I thought great no traffic noise. Unfortunately there was a night club which "dooffed" and woke me up at about 2am and continued "dooffing" until 5am.
Wont be staying there again!
The slog was really well organised by a Pakenham Church with support vehicles every 10-15 kms or so.
They raise money for a local food bank, Helping families and feeding the poor.
They had Slog to Sale Jerseys $20 each. Orange and really good.
Mark is in the blue Basscoast Barracuda top. BCB. in the photo below.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Mark on the slog to sale

This is NOT a long weekend

Melbourne Cup day is on Tuesday.
Monday is a normal working day.
Our local Primary School children have to go to school on Monday.
Why do people insist on saying that this is a long weekend?
Tradies are probably having RDOs but most businesses will be operating on Monday so go and do some work!
Enjoy your time off if you have it but don't just assume everyone has a long weekend.

How many people actually have a traditional 2 day weekend these days?
Shopping is a 7 day a week business.
Leisure is a 7 day a week business.
We may be relaxing, eating out, having a coffee but others are working so that we can relax. Please be considerate of those who allow us time off.

girls and bicycles

This blog is really good. Have a look.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Back home

Hi everyone,
I am really happy to be working back at my home branch.
I can now walk to work. I can go home for lunch and see my dog.
I went for a 34km cyclethis morning and started work here at 9.30! That is so good.
I am working my first Saturday in 7 months and I was worried that I would be run off my feet but it has been mostly quiet.
I have 3 people here at the moment browsing. I close in 10 minutes!
I am looking forward to lunch.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I'm back......again

I have finished my 7 month stint as Manager at the Big K. I have had 2 weeks off to recover. I am back to being a normal worker. My hours have gone back to 42 a fortnight. I am cycling again. Daylight saving has kicked in. All is right with the world.
Very happy.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

It's me again

It has again been a long time since I blogged.
I have a quiet 10 minutes before I can go here I am.

Working by myself totally sucks big time. I have no one to talk too!!!
I feel I am going ga ga.
Working by myself in a customer service type job suck even more.
I have to be here to open and be here in case some one comes in so when I need to buy more batteries because the mouses stop working I have to wait until lunch time and use up 20 minutes of my lunch break to buy supplies for work!!!
Then I have to open again on time so that the clients don't get cranky and get their free books somewhere else.
Tired and grumpy!!!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Blogging again and biking

It has been awhile since I have added to my blog so I suppose I should not be suprised that no one else has viewed it.
I am working so much that even my cycling is suffering.
I did a nice 50+ kms over the weekend. Very nice.
It is of concern that people I know are having cycling mishaps.
People who have been cycling for years are suddenly breaking thumbs or fracturing pelvises!!
One guy I know who cycled from Adelaide to Gippsland fell off his bike going around a corner in town. He did not break anything but he lost skin.
On the GVBR 2007 many people fell off and broke bits of their body but I put that down to the number of cyclists and the occasional clipping another bike.
There is a need to be very careful when ever you are on the road. What ever you are driving.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008


humorous pictures
see more crazy cat pics">humorous pictures
see more crazy cat pics" border="0" alt="" />

Wang to Bright Rail Trail

Last week my husband and I took some time off and had a wonderful time cycling the "Murray to Mountains" Rail Trail. We cycled 231kns in 3 days. It was great!!!
We stayed at Myrtleford. At Ardens Caravan park in a cabin. Really nice. They had a BBQ area with seating and groups of "Older cyclists" were staying there and using the facilities and having a good time.

Day 1 we cycled to Beechworth. A big 15kms up hill. But a great time coming back down hill. We had lunch at the Beechworth bakery and I had a really nice Snickadoo with blueberries on it. YUM!! That day I got a puncture on a down hill run from Taylor Gap. And Mark's Greenspeed recumbant tyre got a bulge. 91kms. I was sooooo tired. I was asleep by 9pm.

Day 2. We drove to Wangaratta to Dean Woods cycles to get a 16inch tyre for the trike. Then we cycled to Milawa to taste wines and eat cheese. Then back on the rail trail at Tarrawhingie riding to Wang to collect the car and back to Myrtleford. I think that was about 50kms. A nice cruisie day after the big one the day before.

Day 3 Bright. As we cycled to Bright we could see the land getting greener. Bright is a lovely town. We went through a place called EUROBIN, and Porpuncka (where my sister inlaw comes from). We has morning tea at a lovely bakery in Bright. I had a blackberry slice. YUM.
Then we rode to the Maze. Made a wrong turn. Back to Bright to start again.
We managed to get into and out of the maze and found the 2 rose bushes and the 2 towers. It was great. I got a bit panicky when I seemed to be going around in circles and couldn't find a way out but we got through it. Had a pie at the cafe and an enormous piece of sponge cake! YUMMY!!!
Then we rode back to Myrtleford but stopped at the Bright Berry farm for a berry icecream.
About 80kms.
I was suprised when we got home and I hadn't lost any weight. With all that cycling & fresh air.
The weather was great too. Unlike this week of cold & wet.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Leaping into leadership

I attended a workshop "Leaping into Leadership" at the SLV last month run by a group of people who have attended the Aurora Leadership training.
It reinforced the attitude that I am trying to live by which is to get out there and do stuff.
Take risks and learn from outcomes, good and bad.
Be couragous. Make things happen.
It was a really good workshop especially for the networking opportunities.
I met some lovely people. I have to contact them soon!!!
The only thing that concerned me was when the guest speakers where having a really big problems at particular workplaces they moved on. This might be OK in the city with other libraries geographically close but in the country it is more difficult to change jobs.
I think it might have been better for me to have had a few weeks being a manager at the Big K and then attend a workshop like this. I would have had better stories to tell.

The Big K

I have started being a branch manager at the Big K.
I am currently having a crash course in dealing with staffing and rosters and what happens when people rostered have medical appointments and cannot work and some people want more work and others dont. Misunderstandings and unfortunately I am cannot read minds and have not as yet found time for interpreting subtle hints and comments. I do not know that people are thinking about having holidays/having relative visit from overseas/having family issues unless they tell me. I do not mean to be insensitive to people. I understand that you have been there for XX years and I have just arrived with my fancy ideas and big city ways.
I walked in the door 5 days ago...Give me a break!!
Apart from all that...I think things are going alright at the Big K.
It is and will continue to be a challenge in many ways and yes , that is what I want.

Time flies when.......

I have been very slack with my blogging. But as no one actually reads this besides me I dont think it really matters.
Since we last met I was part of the 3000 who cycled The Otway Classic. I completed 60 kms in under 3 hours which was amazing. Thanks to Robyn who pushed me through to the end. We then waited for the guys who cycled the 145km route.
I cannot even comprehend cycling that far for pleasure. Sounds like torture to me.
A group of us stayed at the Torquay holiday village. On the right hand side when travelling from Geelong. It had fantastic facilities. Picnic tables and a covered kitchen area with an oven and BBQs. Even Kitchen sinks!!!
The people we went with were training for The Murray to the Moyne cycle event which is next weekend. This is to raise funds for GSHS hospitals.

Friday, March 7, 2008

It's Official

Yes. I am the successful applicant for the 6 month temporary branch manager position.
Now I am now full of doubt.
Can I work until 6pm 3 days a week?
Will I really be able to still work one day a week at my permanent branch? And NOT GO MAD!!!!
I start just before Easter so time will tell.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

to be or not to be?

There is a temporary position coming up within my organisation. It is about 30 minutes from home. It is an acting manager position. It is for 6 months. It is 59 hours a fortnight.
I currently work 40 hours a fortnight. I walk to work. I have 2 weekdays off each week.
I dont think I will be paid more per hour for the temp position and I will be out of pocket for petrol to travel. But I will have Fridays off.
I am studying Library and Info studies off campus so use my days off to study, for assignments, cycling and to blog!!
Being a manager for 6 months will be a great experience but do I really want to work longer hours and the travel will get expensive and could be boring.
I do like a challenge.
I dont know...6 months is a long time.
I shall apply and see what happens.
If I get an interview I can discuss my thoughts with the panel, who will roll their eyes and ask what I am doing there.
I would like to do it. Yes I would.
6 months experience as a manager is probably worth petrol money and a bit of inconvenience.
Yes. Pick me.
Thanks for the discussion.
Does anyone out there have an opinion?

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Ride on!

I know this is getting boring but I did another 100 kms this week.
I had a 10 minute head start from the Inverloch crew on the 41km trek and they did not catch me until the coast road from Cape. I stayed with them for a while too. I stayed with them past the blue house where they blew me away a couple of weeks ago. I even stayed with them up the sharp bend hill (which they race up) But they rolled down the hill close to Eagles Nest faster than me and I could not catch them after that. I was pretty tired after sticking with them for that long. So I had a nice leisurely ride back into town.
They are a really nice bunch of people. Very supportive and encouraging. They always say "hello" as they ride past me and chat if I stop for coffee with them afterwards.
I used to feel too embarrassed to have coffee with them because I am not in their league but they really are very nice people and good to be with.
I received the latest Bike Victoria magazine this week. It discusses what type of bike is best for commuting. They said that a flat barred road bike is one of the best. Like mine!!!
I rode to Wonny twice on Tuesday. First because I thought the Women on Wheels group (WOW) where meeting for a ride but I waited 20 minutes and no one else showed so I rode home. Then at 2pm I had a work meeting so I rode in again. I was early enough to change into something less lycra and more suitable for a meeting. Then 3 hours later I rode home.
I have been told that I will be paid travel for cycling to work things like this away from my branch. I have been told the rate is 9 cents a km so I will wait and see what sort of green company I work for.
I will let you know.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Another 100 kms!!

Last week I rode another 100 kms.
I tried the 41kms with the fast Inverloch crew and they were too fast for me again/still.
I started 10 minutes before them and they caught me at the 27km mark before Cape. I tried sticking with them but could only stay with them for 2 or 3 kms.
One guy said that I needed a good road bike to keep up. I love my bike!
But I completed 41kms in 90 minutes so that was good.
Having an Australia Day long weekend meant that I rode again on Monday and by the end of Wednesday had done 100kms.
I visited my mum on Tuesday in Melbourne. It was her birthday. She turned 79!
I took her out for lunch, we looked at some shops I drove her to my brother's house where they were preparing a celebration meal for her for dinner. Then I drove home.
I don't get to see my family very much. It is a two hour drive each way. But it was good to visit last week.
I can't wait for "EastLink" to open then I wont have to travel down Springvale Road. It is very busy even at non peak times.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

100 kms this week

I have cycled 100kms this week!!! Yipee!!!
I did the 41kms on Tuesday. 33kms on Thursday. And rounded it up to 100 kms today.
On Thursday it was "one of those days" at work where the people were like waves hitting the shore line. Relentless. I finished work at 4pm so by 5pm I was cycling to blow the "sawdust" out of my head. It was really good. It did the 20kms eagles nest return fast and then a slower 13kms "around the block" which is around the outskirts of the town. I was home a watching the news by 6.15pm. Not bad.
Today was hot so I had an easy ride around the streets of town. Twice around. Looking at the housing developments going up and how far and fast the town is spreading. No hills. Just a nice ride. Except for the blue car on Surf Parade that decided that I did not need any road to ride on and overtook me like I was not there. Scarey stuff.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

KIVA.....what a great idea..UPDATE

We have given/lent/invested the Christmas gift money to a business in Uganda that raises Chickens. Poultry.
Teo Bukenya's Group in Nateete, Uganda.

Todays's ride

This morning I set off with a 10 minute head start for the 41km ride Inverloch-Wattlebank-Wonthaggi-Cape Patterson-Inverloch. The regular group leave at 7am and they are FAST.
There were lots of cyclists on the way. I think I saw Councillor Gareth Barlow but I am not sure if it was him or not. He was going in the opposite direction and I saw him on the Korumburra Road and then again on the way to Cape.
The main group caught up with me 25kms into the ride. Between Wonny and Cape. They whooshed past me and said hello. I tried to keep up. I wish. Not likely. Then when I turned at Cape for the coast road there was a head wind and I was very tired. But wait there is more....
Just before the RACV I got hit by a bird!!!
Yes, a bird flew into my arm. I have skin off where the beck hit me (just a spot) and it bled and I screamed!!! I looked back but could not see the bird so I kept cycling.
With the head wind the 41kms took me 1 hour 40 minutes. I was very tired afterwards. I dropped in to Paul the Piemans to let the others know that I had got back OK. In case they were worried about me. They said I did OK. I can do the distance but not the speed.
I know I can do it faster without a head wind.
So I am hoping I can do that on the weekend.
It is much better riding with someone than alone.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Cycling 3050

I have cycled 100kms this week. Hooray!!!
On Tuesday I cycled with Robyn to collect her work vehicle at the depot. 13kms. Then I went home via Cape and along the coast road. 33kms for the day.
Wednesday and Thursday we met at 7am and rode to Cape and back along the coast road. I did not have to be at work until 10am but they had to be quick rides for me.
Today I just rode 13kms in the wind to make my weeks total up to 100kms!!

My total since I got my bike in March 2007 is 3050kms.
I think that is pretty good for a part time library witch.

I was very tired after riding at 7am and then going to work. Even if they were half days. I dont know how my other half cycles 30kms each way to work and actually works (without a nana nap).
It was really good having Robyn holidaying in town so I had someone to ride with. She kept me motivated. Most people are too fast or too slow for me. But Robyn was great. I find it really hard to be up and cycling at 7am.
I love sleeping.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Question of the day

Person: Can you tell me if my card is still valid?
Me: Yes, do you have your card with you?
Person: No.
Me : Then how can I tell if it is valid?
Me: Do you have any identification?
Person; No.
Me: What is your name?
Person: My name is x. But it could be under Y or Z or my partner's name W.

Person: My partner's aunt has a library card. Can I use that?
Me: Is she here now?
Person: No.
Me: Has she given you her card?
Person: No. But she wouldn't mind.
Me: Could you ask her and bring her card in?
Person: No, she is away on holidays.


Thursday, January 10, 2008

Question of the day

An adult male asked this question today.
Does it cost money to register a dog?

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

My Bike

My Bike is a Merida T2 Speeder. It is a really nice blue. Light and me. ha ha ha.
In 2007 I travelled 2837 kms on it in almost 10 months.
I have a really comfortable gel seat.
I cycled 55kms yesterday. Inverloch to Kilcunda and return along the Bass Coast Rail Trail with an other girl.
Mitchell House In Wonthaggi is the base of a new cycling group called Women on Wheels or WOW! Yesterday was our first ride. There was supposed to be 3 of us but one said that she was "stuck in traffic in Leongatha".
We are to meet each Tuesday for a ride but the other 2 cannot make it next week so I might just ride around Inverloch.
I did intent to ride the 42km circuit Inverloch-Wattle Bank-Wonthaggi-Cape Patterson-Inverloch this morning at 7am but slept in. Maybe on the weekend.
I have already ridden 88kms this week so I am doing OK.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

My working life so far this year.......

We have been really busy at work for the first week of 2008.
Here the the most comon exchange so far this year.......

Person: Can I jump on the internet? (Why do they always want to "jump" on the computer?)
Me: All of the computers are being used at the moment and the next time it is available is at 4pm.
Person: I will only be 5 minutes.
Me: I am sorry but all the computers are being used at the moment and the next time a machine is available is at 4pm.
Person: I just want to check my emails
Me: Would you like to book a computer for 4pm?
Person: Can't I get on now?
Me: I am sorry but all the computers are being used at the moment and the next time a machine is available is at 4pm.
Person: I will only be 5 minutes.
Me: I am sorry but all the computers are being used at the moment and the next time a machine is available is at 4pm.
Person: But we want to go to the beach/shops/movies/have a nap etc in the afternoon.
Me: All the computers are being used. The next available time for the computer is 4pm today. Would you like to book for tomorrow?

And so it goes on!!!

Currently the library has the only public use internet computers in town.
The Visitor's Information Centre has moved and is having problems with their phone lines and internet connection. So they are sending everyone to us. As at close of business Saturday 5th Jan 2008, the internet computers have been booked out for Monday morning. We have 3!!

I thank the Lord, John and Janet that I only work part time or else I think I would have gone MAD by now.