Sunday, January 20, 2008

Cycling 3050

I have cycled 100kms this week. Hooray!!!
On Tuesday I cycled with Robyn to collect her work vehicle at the depot. 13kms. Then I went home via Cape and along the coast road. 33kms for the day.
Wednesday and Thursday we met at 7am and rode to Cape and back along the coast road. I did not have to be at work until 10am but they had to be quick rides for me.
Today I just rode 13kms in the wind to make my weeks total up to 100kms!!

My total since I got my bike in March 2007 is 3050kms.
I think that is pretty good for a part time library witch.

I was very tired after riding at 7am and then going to work. Even if they were half days. I dont know how my other half cycles 30kms each way to work and actually works (without a nana nap).
It was really good having Robyn holidaying in town so I had someone to ride with. She kept me motivated. Most people are too fast or too slow for me. But Robyn was great. I find it really hard to be up and cycling at 7am.
I love sleeping.

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