Thursday, December 27, 2007

KIVA.....what a great idea

I have been told about this wonderful organisation. KIVA.

This organisation lets you lend to a specific enterprise/business in a developing country thus empowering them to lift themselves out of povery.

Isn't that a fantastic idea. I feel like Oprah!!!
Have a look.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They are a good idea. My wife and I (or, in Aussie parlance, "me 'n' the missus") gave presents for xmas to our family consisting of gift cards from an organisation called T.E.A.R. (transformation, empowerment, advocacy, relief). This involved our funding of a toilet, schooling, a pig or goat, and the organisation forwarding our money to a disadvantaged community for said project, while forwarding a card to our relatives notifying them of their practical, selfless christmas gift.